A little peek at GOEX drive prototype, a floppy drive replacement unit by Centuriontech.eu, soon to be available through our shop in USB or SD card variant. Lot of goodies packed, simple instalation, full compatibility with HxC and FlashFloppy firmware, these are only few highlights of whats under the shell. Check back soon for more information, pricing and availability date!

Superb! Exactly what I wanted since years! Finally a Gotek – like reader that uses the floppy button for USB access and properly designed for Amiga! Which models is it going to be for? I hope for A600, A1200 and A1000… eventually A500 but I have only 1 machine… I have more than 5 of each others).
Any update regarding the progress?
This sounds really interesting!
It’s been a while since it said “Coming soon” -when will it be available?
Hello, launch is planned for end of August.
Hello dear, any news regarding the availability of this new device ?
It looks very interesting but we’re now already in October and if I’m not wrong still not possible to order it right ?
Thank you very much for your reply.